2015年9月17日 星期四


Izziyana Suhaimi 用紙作為畫布,配以鉛筆和水彩畫,再加上她精緻的手工刺繡,繪製出帶有毛線質感的立體效果的視覺藝術作品。Izziyana Suhaimi 來自新加坡,關於刺繡,就像她說的,“Embroidery for me is a quiet and still act, where each stitch represents a moment passed. The building of stitches then becomes a representation of time passing and the final work is like a physical manifestation of time - a time object. Each stitch is also a recording of the maker's thoughts and emotions.”

Izziyana Suhaimi 的網站:http://www.izziyanasuhaimi.com/

